Thursday, March 28, 2013

Look Here For Stop Smoking Advice That Works Well!

Look Here For Stop Smoking Advice That Works Well!

Ask any smoker and they will tell you that they wish they could quit. They will probably also tell you that they have tried before and couldn't quit. The tips and techniques in this article are presented in the hopes that they can help you. Use these tips and you may find that success is easier than you thought and feels better than you ever imagined.

Consider any therapy that can replace nicotine. Smoking itself is kind of disgusting and easy to give up, but the nicotine withdrawal usually proves the nail in the coffin of a quit attempt. Do whatever you can to deal with the withdrawal, from medicine prescriptions to alternatives like the patch, gum or even throat lozenges.

You should be honest with yourself when you are looking to quit smoking. Your addiction to tobacco is as real as any other substance addiction. This means that you should seek out emotional and physical support to assist you in quitting cigarettes. Furthermore, this also means that quitting smoking should be all or nothing.

To stay true to your plan to quit smoking, make up motivational note cards to read whenever you get a craving. Keep these cards on your fridge, in your car, in your purse or wallet and even in a drawer at work. Any time a craving strikes, read and repeat the message on the card like a mantra to refocus your efforts.

Try incorporating deep breathing exercises in your life when you begin to feel the urge to smoke. This will help you calm down when you feel like you need to take a puff. Deep breathing will help you control yourself and stop the urge before you begin to think about giving in.

To quit smoking, you may want to think about going through hypnotherapy. During a session, the therapist will put you into a relaxing, dreamlike state and tell you not to smoke. Also, he or she may repeat certain reasons for you to quit so that you have this in your head when you wake up.

Use nicotine replacement therapies to help you quit smoking. The nicotine addiction associated with long-term smoking is strong. You are likely to get irritable, restless and depressed if you stop your intake of nicotine suddenly. Using a patch or gum or lozenges containing nicotine can help you to wean yourself off gradually.

Check with your health department, local clinics, or doctor's office for information about local support groups for those who want to quit smoking. Talking to others who are quitting can provide valuable coping tips, support, and motivation. This may prove especially helpful if your friends and family are not supportive of your desire to quit.

Make sure you are aware of all the implications of smoking, as this will encourage you to quit. In addition to the obvious chance of developing lung cancer, smokers are known to have twice the danger of dying from a sudden heart attack. Smoking can lead to an abdominal aortic aneurysm, which cause death almost immediately.

Commit yourself totally to your decision to quit smoking. If you are determined to quit smoking then put your whole soul into the effort. Announce to family and close friends that you are quitting and need support. Write down your specific goals and make them as detailed as you can. Also write down your individual reasons for quitting. Post both lists where you can easily see them - like the bathroom mirror. Join a support group and attend meetings, whether online or in person. Go all in and make this happen.

Some people find that chewing a sugar-free gum helps them to kick the cigarette habit. Chewing the gum will occupy your mouth for about the same length of time as a cigarette will last. Choose sugar-free so you do not damage your teeth in the process of quitting smoking.

Create a list of reasons why you want to quit smoking, and read it every day. There are probably many reasons why you would like to quit ranging from the health risks, the unattractive smell, and the cost of cigarettes. Reading your list of reasons can help keep you on track when you get urges. Compile your own list, carry it with you, and read it every day as often as you need to.

When quitting smoking, you must learn to manage your stress. Once smoking is no longer an option, turn to healthier outlets such as massage therapy, long walks in your favorite park, listening to relaxing music, or meditation. Find something you can do that provides near-instant gratification so that you'll be less tempted to turn to smoking when things get tough.


If an activity becomes difficult and makes you crave a cigarette, try to step away from it. There are some activities that might just naturally make you crave a cigarette. These might include drinking a cup of coffee or hanging out in a bar with friends. If you're not strong enough to handles these activities without a cigarette, realize it and just walk away.

Try to avoid alcohol if you're trying to quit smoking. Alcohol and cigarettes are naturally complimentary to each other. In addition, alcohol lowers your mental focus, meaning you are more likely to give in to temptation or peer pressure. If you avoid alcohol, you're more likely to stay clear of mind. This might just mean that quitting becomes a bit easier.

You already know that most people who try to stop smoking end up not being able to stop. It may take two, three or even more attempts until you find the right formula to stop smoking. But using the tips and tricks from this article can help you build a solid plan to help you join the ranks of those who have been successful in their quest to stop smoking.

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